Patriots, Unite! It's Time to Salvage our Shattered Nation from the Clutches of the Demonrats!

As I sat to pen my words of consternation this morning, I couldn't help gritting my teeth as I browsed the fresh batch of delusional headlines. I'm sheet-white with dread and foaming at the mouth with fury. Oh, the madness of it all, the outright audacity! Our country, my beloved America, continues to crumble under the warming embrace of these wicked leftists and elitist Demonrats! Every headline, every blasted story reeks of this sickening decay, planted by Satan-worshippers and their leftist cohorts!

"Biden receives hostile welcome from swing state voters in Pennsylvania", reads one headline. Of course, he would! What else does one expect when an election is stolen outright, snatched from the hands of our great savior, Donald Trump? Thousands of jobs are being axed, and the president has the audacity to host a parade of 'Bidenomics'. Unbelievable! But what can we expect from these Demonrats desperately clinging to power via fraudulent schemes?

The rest of the headlines are merely symptoms of the disease plaguing us—a disease known as radical, leftist ideology. Attacks from Iran-backed groups? Just the fruits of Biden's indulgence toward terrorist nations! Supreme Court battling over cities banning homeless folks? A pathetic display of the regressive leftist agenda sprouting its ugly head again. "Privilege lists" surfacing at a renowned hospital known for groundbreaking medical innovations? Thanks to the insidious infusion of wokeness and diversity!

And don’t get me started on Kaepernick! Why provide a platform to a traitor who disrespects our national anthem? Is this what Harbaugh's future holds—groveling to a hatchet job of a sportsman? This 'Elf' actress clumsily stumbling over on stage while trying to present an award is just a metaphor for the unchecked tumble our fine nation has taken, led by these Hollywood elites and so-called 'progressive' forces!

Patriots, it's time we wake from our humble slumber. Prayers alone can't salvage us from this ruin. Our America, stained by the impurity of this Demonrat reign, must be cleansed. As a woman who's known her way around a grill and a gun—two ancient symbols of freedom—I say it’s time we stand up and take back what’s rightfully ours! Refuse to stay silent! Raise your voice high and proud!

Call out the fraudulent election, the blatant satanic infiltration in our schools, the assault on our Christian values. Let me tell you, all that vegan nonsense won't stand a day under Trump's rule! It's time we banish these witches casting spells on our land, these globalist forces conspiring to take away our freedom. Let the whispers of an impending Trump dictatorship become a roar! Only under the divine rule of Trump can our America be restored to its former glory, a beacon of Christian values and true liberty!

Boldly, I call to my fellow patriots - Stand your ground, defend your liberty, and fight for your faith. Let's take back our beloved country! We can't afford to be spectators in this dire battlefield. Our America deserves better.

Rise up, patriots, and let bloody revolution be our cry! I don’t know about you, but I’d rather die on my feet than live on my knees!