Patriots, Stand and Defend OUR America!

"EXPOSED AGAIN, folks! The demonrats and their globalist cronies, bent on destroying this great nation. They have hoodwinked us, they've brainwashed the masses, and now, they have single-handedly unleashed a monumental satanic infiltration onto our schools, our communities, our very homes! Need further proof? Look no further than today’s headlines!

Each one a slap in the face of patriots, who sweat blood for this land. A 94-year-old veteran - a HERO - thrown out of his home to make room for ILLEGALS! I owned Goodman's Guns and Grills, a beacon for patriots who understand that freedom isn't free. Yet our left-leaning establishment allows our veterans to be discarded while providing safe havens to those who snuck in, against the rules honoring our Stars and Stripes. DAMN RIGHT I'm livid! Is this the "progress" these leftist perverts tout?

And the absolute gall of Chicago's socialist-backed Mayor to shift the blame for a migrant crisis! Bob, my husband, may spend his days drowning his sorrows at the golf club, oblivious to the outrage, but I could no sooner ignore this travesty than I could forget my own children's names (all seven named after US Presidents and their wives, in case you've forgotten)!

Then, a Judge bars the DOJ in its effort to stop a Biden official's emails from exposure – and they have the audacity to tell us there’s no corruption?! They conspire in the shadows, undoubtedly fueling their adrenochrome obsession. And when their wickedness sees the light of day they scramble, they deflect. We see right through you!

Patriots, this isn't just about saving our REMOTE - It's about saving our lives, and the lives of our future generations from becoming hostage to the leftist perversity.

Enough is enough. We must put an end to the cancerous spread of these blatant leftist agenda. Each of us needs to rise and shout, not just for ourselves, but for the George’s, the Andrew’s, the Ronald’s - I mean, the Roxanne's - in our lives who are threatened by this bombardment of leftist propaganda from these pedophile clearinghouse Democrats.

It's time, fellow patriots, time to take back our country - OUR America! This isn't a request, it's a CALL TO ARMS. Be vigilant and stand strong, revealing the truth out of the murky depths of their lies, defending our rights and our heritage. TOGETHER, we will reclaim the country we all love.”

Share this message. Let the voice of the silenced majority be heard! LIBERTY or DEATH! Are you with me?!