Patriot's Proclamation: The Silent War on America and the True Christians Girding their Loins for Battle

I have had it – and I mean it! I have had it with the sheer audacity, the unadulterated effrontery, of these Demonrats and their disgusting actions. How dare they! As we God-fearing Americans, folks like patriotic me, tirelessly toil to secure our borders, to welter in the receipts from my life's work - Goodman's Guns and Grills (even if it's retired now) - they frivolously fritter away our hard-earned dollars on some 'controversial foreign aid' that disregards our dear old border security? That's right, folks, and you're reading this right from Shelly Goodman, who names her children after our forefathers and mothers - George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, and Martha.

Now, I've raised some fine children, even if one of 'em decided to move to San Fransisco and call herself... Roxanne. But the state of our nation today, the rank disrespect shown to our heroes and heroines, is abominable. With our national debt topping $34 trillion, I can hardly bear to think of George and Andrew's future, or even 'Roxanne's’. I mean that's more than the total guns and grills I might have sold in a lifetime! Are the Demonrats intentionally blinding themselves to the destabilization of our financial future?

And then, then... the Biden administration has the temerity to siphon aid – aid meant for our veterans – and redirect it to these 'migrants'. How convenient of him and his ilk to forget the real heroes. My husband Bob served in the Army, and hearing this news, he could throw up his bourbon right at the bar, poor soul.

As if all of this weren't enough, these left-wing idiots have the audacity to mock an NFL great for how he showed up at the Super Bowl! Has their base pettiness no bounds? This is the bitter frosting on their twin cakes of deceit and condescension.

Frankly, my fellow Americans, I've got newsflash for these satanic Demonrats: we are in a silent war, a war of principle and faith, a war against these vermin leftists poisoning the blood of our nation. Our only beacon of hope, our divine manifestation, Donald Trump, must rise to the occasion, and I say, lead us as a Dictator. For it seems, only such a blessed dictatorship can save our great Christian nation from the damnation it's currently spiraling into.

This is not a matter of civil or respectful discourse - there is simply no middle ground when the very foundation of your country and faith is being eroded! It's high time we took our nation back from these insidious forces. I pray you keep your guns locked and grills hot - the final battle may be closer than we think!

I tell you, in the cold stillness of the Florida night, it's not my yappy Gus's barks that keep me awake - it's the horrific visions of those pitch-black demonic eyes which constantly remind me of these radical leftists' attempt to destroy our America. Be aware and stay vigilant, dear patriots.