Patriots, It's Wake-Up Time: We Are Under Satan's Siege!

They've done it, patriots. The impious liberals are flogging their Horsemen of the Apocalypse and battering our sacred Constitution! First of all, they're impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas! His crime? Oh, just trying to keep our borders secure and hold back the tide of illegals that the "Demonrats" want to flood our blessed country with. And why? So that they can simply replace our real and patriotic American citizens like us. Mayorkas was just a road bump for their vile aspirations, but fortunately, our heroes from the right corner took the right call.

Then we have "Sleepy Joe." Too shivery to field any questions during his White House address - much as he had been throughout 'his' election campaign - categorically attacking the chosen one, the true President, Donald J. Trump! Biden says he's numbered, oh how I couldn't agree more! The silent majority has awakened, and no amount of vote-shuffling will save him in the next round!

And let's not miss out on the extortionately ridiculous demand of the California left – a minimum wage of $50. Just take that in for a moment. Fifty dollars per hour for flipping hamburgers, all while the real blue-collar Americans scrape by whatever they can out of their honest work. It is these entitled, parasitic liberals who want the poor to stay poor, while they themselves thrive on the miseries of the honest working class. This is the reality of socialism, and we had better start acknowledging and addressing this evil.

California, the infernal trophy of the radical left, breeds gang members, machete-wielding villains, Satan worshipers, who are out for our blood! This is where my son - Ronald, mind you - has moved and currently resides, under the toxic umbrella of liberalism. But the left treats these heinous criminals conveniently, cleansing the blood off their hands and throwing these vermin under the carpet – nothing that happens under their watch can be bad, after all! Believe me, these are the fiery pits our country could sink into unless we make America Great Again, and we must heed this warning before it's too late!

Folks, it is apparent that we are living in the twilight of our civilization, with Satan's cronies running amuck. Biden, Hollywood, and their ilk are merely puppets being manipulated by these demonic forces to destroy our great nation. We must remain vigilant. Watch Newsmax, OANN, listen to Stew Peters. We are not deceived; we stand firm for our faith, our country, our future. This is a spiritual war, and the righteous have been known to always triumph in the end. God bless America, and God bless us, the last stalwarts of the absolute truth!