Patriots, it's Time to Fight for Our Nation!

America, the land I thought I knew. The country the good Lord above, in all his wisdom, gave to us to protect from the clutches of Demonrats, elite satanists, radical leftists, and so-called wokesters. I say 'so-called' because what in the blazing barbecues of Goodman’s Guns and Grills are they woke to?! Lies, deceit, and a direct assault on our beautiful country which they are trying to destroy from the very inside!

Look at the headlines! Our brave men and women on a US warship, defending American ships under heavy drone attacks in the Red Sea! Making that stand against evil, that stand that each and every one of us should be making here at home! But instead, we have faint-hearted millennials crying about being 'abandoned' because their folks ain't babysitting? Millennials, wake up! Your 'Granny Shelly' didn't raise seven children just to sit around and mind your babies. I've got a country to save!

And speaking of cowards, Governor DeSantis taking a cheap shot at Trump himself! Mr. Trump may have his flaws, just like any other man, but if there's one thing he ain't, it's a traitor. He publicly declared leftists as 'vermin' and immigrants as 'poison echoing in the blood of our country'! He ain't afraid to speak the uncomfortable truths. And while we're on it, if any of Mr. DeSantis's followers think they're patriots, they can come take it up with my little 'Gus'! And trust me, that's a battle they'll lose!

Now's not the time to sit and watch our beloved nation fall victim to the atrocities committed by these Demonrats, satan worshippers, and globalists. We natives of The Villages, and patriots across the country, must hold firm to the values we hold dear.

Patriots, it's time! Time to hold close to our hearts the wisdom fed to us in the parlor rooms of our childhood homes and in the echoing pews of our cherished churches. Time to stand arm in arm with the men and women who protect our shores, and time to snuff out the tyranny that seeps into our country's marrow.

Stand your ground. Remember, this is our America. It's time to take it back! Call, write, pray, shout, use every tool the Constitution gave us to save the land we love. Do it for the children, for their future, for America!