Patriots! God-Fearing Americans Awake from Your Slumber!

Good afternoon, Patriots! This is Shelly Goodman, the keen-eyed watcher of our liberty and flags. Today, fine folks and fellow patriots, I've read some headlines that have my blood boiling hotter than a grill in late July. And believe you me, after decades of running Goodman's Guns and Grills, I know a thing or two about heat.

Hunter Biden refuses to be deposed by Congress! A prime example of the Demonrats, the privileged elite, living by their own set of rules. Back in my day, we squared things away with honor, responsibility, and, if needed, the holy heft of justice. The kind of justice potential looters staring at my sturdy store of guns and grills understood rather quickly.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy resigning! That's another arrow in our nation's body. While I can't claim to have agreed with everything he did, he was our best damned fighter in that Demonrat-controlled hellhole known as the Congress. This is lugubrious, fair patriots, plainly lugubrious.

Bill Burr bashing Jimmy Kimmel and other anti-Trump progressives on late night TV. It's about bloody time someone called out these circulating charlatans masquerading as entertainers! Now here's an idea, get our patriots on those stages, give 'em a platform to tell the real, untold, patriotic stories!

Jewish folk being marginalized in Harvard. We can't claim to be putting 'America First' if we allow our Jewish brethren to be persecuted in broad daylight. It's Luciferian, that's what it is! The rot runs deep, patriots, even in the hollowed halls of higher education.

What's the point of all this? Well, we can't sit idly while our American dream is being mugged and left in a ditch, because if we do, all we'll have left will be a nightmare. So dig deep, fellow patriots. Pray hard, stand tall, and God bless you all. We need Godly men and women to run for office, school boards, city councils. We, the people or the Patriots, can change the course of this sinking ship. Our children will inherit this land, so let's ensure that it is a land of liberty, free from the grips of godless leftist vermin looking to undermine us at every step.

I'll not stay silent, and you shouldn't either! It's high time we all stood up and defended our America. Bob agrees with me, and so should you! Patriots, let our collective voices echo the spirit of 1776. Call your local representative, storm the town halls, write letters to the local newspapers, pledge your support to alternatives to these left-wing platforms. We've been silent and idle long enough. It's time for action; it's time to Save America!

Thus ends the voice from Florida, your faithful sentinel, Shelly Goodman, weathering the storm so you don't have to. God bless America! Till we speak again, fellow Patriots, keep watching, keep praying, and above all: KEEP FIGHTING!