Patriots, chime in! The Radical Left's Poisonous Venom Destroys America Bit by Bit!

Oh, for the love of George and everything holy! I've just about had it up to my girdle with those satanic, wokester, Demo-rat tripe. They're twisting our once noble America, my America, into some Godforsaken dystopian hellhole with disastrous policies and twisted ideologies.

The headlines tell it all, friends! They play their vicious games dissecting GOP debates like a pack of hyenas, sowing seeds of discord. It's downright un-American. But such is the modus operandi of the left. They have the audacity to ridicule and belittle, mock and scorn those who dare to challenge their altered narratives. Let's get off our behinds, patriots, and clip the wings of this radical and out-of-control eagle.

And talk about the riots on campuses - in this case, UNLV - a place of learning, for heaven's sakes! It makes my blood boil - I swear it shakes my faith in humanity! In my day, we respected the sanctity of the school yard. But the Demonrats, they're heartless. They've so effectively destroyed the security of our future generations, the very backbone of this country, that now no place is safe.

Plunge deeper into such news, and you'll see actual attacks on innocent people. A man soothing his baby with a stroll assaulted! Outrageous! It reminds me so much of the time my little yappy Gus got aggressive with the neighborhood children. But Gus is just a dog, and these are humans! Where have the good old days of respect and justice gone?

Then, there's the infiltration of this 'woke' ideology. It seems everywhere you turn, someone's getting 'woke' and twisting our fundamental rights. A beer company attacking women's Sports? It's an affront to my Martha and all the strong women patriots out there! Revolting!

And, let's not even get started on the foreigners- invading our beloved homeland! They not only infringe on our lands, but they infiltrate our culture with heinous ideologies and dare to demand of our leader! In the days of Nixon, such treachery would've been put down without a second thought.

It's high time, patriots, to put our boots on the ground. We need to take a stand against these infestations and reclaim our America - for our children, our grandchildren, and for the generations of free Americans yet unborn. Let's dismantle this 'woke' nonsense and bring back faith in God, respect for the flag, and love for the Constitution - the pillars this great nation was built upon! Stand with me, dear patriots, for our country, and let's show these Demonrats the door and slam it shut!

God bless America, and God bless you all!
