Our Beloved Republic vs Wicked Wokesters: America's Battle Against the Pacifist-Pandering Pseudo Patriots

"House passes $78 billion tax bill expanding child tax credit and boosting US manufacturing", screams one headline. Allow me to translate that for you folks: The Demonrats have once again pillaged the American wallet, ensuring the nation's loafers and freeloaders prosper while the God-fearing, hard-working men and women of this country are to bleed for their profit. And just what manufacturing are they boosting? Factories of falsehoods and propaganda, no doubt!

Then, there are the 'Squad' Dems Bush and Tlaib, who had the audacity to vote against a bill to ban Hamas terrorists from US souls. It's almost as though they themselves have forsaken their homeland, choosing to tango with terrorists instead. Well, let me tell you, my Ronald, turned Roxanne, may have ballooned out to fit into the mold of 'transgender liberalism', but even she's astute enough to see through this grand charade.

And, would you look at that? "Biden tops Trump in new poll." Hah! If the poll was conducted at some Dem-funded ANTIFA meeting, then maybe I'd believe it. The news can spare me these laughably fabricated numbers, I lived through the stolen election of 2020. I don't need another reminder of the consequences of unabashed cheating by the illegitimate tyrants seated in the White House.

Oh, and what's this? Another darling headline demonstrating liberal double standards: "Brave 12-year-old swings massive snake to save her pet guinea pig". Brave would've been if she’d shot the blasted thing with a firearm, but I suppose any mention of the Second Amendment sends shivers down their snake-loving spines!

And let's not forget the token pop culture tidbit, "HGTV star gives his side of 911 call that ended marriage to Christina Hall". Typical Hollywood hogwash! No respect for the holy matrimony they once pledged before God and now they air their dirty laundry for all to see. What’s happened to this country?

In conclusion, the peril of our times is not some exotic alien force, but the enemies within - the satanic hordes of leftists and wokesters that infest our beloved government and media. But fear not, my fellow citizens, we will stand strong against this invasion from within. The wrath of our Lord will strike soon and when it does, He will have mighty Trump by His side. The abyss awaits these so-called patriots, and my Gus's canine canines are ready for the fight!"