Media Manipulation and the March Toward a Theocracy: A Dissection of Fox News

As a former devout viewer of Fox News, I have observed with increasing concern the blatant shift in narrative from a conservative outlet to what can only be described as a parcel delivery service of insidious far-right christo-fascist propaganda. It pains me to think I was once a willing recipient of these packages, eagerly consuming their carefully wrapped lies.

Take, for instance, the recent headline, "Mark Cuban hits Dem lawmaker after he accuses Trump of lying about his net worth." The implicit suggestion here is that criticism of Donald Trump is somehow invalid or inappropriate; but let us not forget that this is the very same man many Christian extremists wish to elevate to a position of near-divinity, as the leader of a potential theocracy. The use of a widely recognized and respected figure like Mark Cuban in the headline distracts from Trump's continuous deceit, misrepresentations, and proven disinterest in the well-being of common people, plying the public into viewing Trump with sympathetic eyes.

Another distressing story is the "Winner in high-profile Ohio Senate race shows strength of Trump's endorsement." It is chilling how they cunningly use such seemingly benign language to glorify Trump's influence and appeal, while painting anyone who disagrees with him as enemies of the state. In this subtle way, Fox News promotes the rising wave of Christian-nationalism threatening the very pillars of our democratic republic.

What should be alarming for all of us is how Fox News's content seems designed to incite a divisive, fear-based narrative carefully tailored towards us-versus-them mentality, leaving no room for compassion or understanding towards perceived 'others.' It shows a disturbing disregard for diversity, including the LGBTQ community, immigrants, women—the list goes on.

While discussing "Ben & Jerry's gets the boot from parent company after years of political controversies," the outlet conveniently omits the brand's consistent stand for social justice issues like LGBTQ rights and climate change. Instead, they subtly paint a progressive company as troublesome and problematic, without exploring the reasons for their political stands.

By strategically selecting what to showcase and what to omit, Fox News propagates a message of hatred, intolerance, and fear, crafting an environment ripe for the installation of a theocracy—a terrifying prospect for anyone who cherishes the principles of democracy, individual rights, and religious pluralism.

I implore every Fox News viewer to take a step back and critically assess the information consumed. We must remain vigilant in defending our democratic ideals and resist the encroaching specter of a hateful theocracy.