Liberal Lies and the Leftist Agenda: Sleeping With the Enemy in Our Own Backyard!

My blood's boiling more fiercely than old Bob's grill on the 4th of July. Open a newspaper, turn on the telly, and what are we left with? More proof that we're sleeping with the enemy! Just look at Jill Biden, wife of the election stealing "president", visiting an "appropriately named" school. Oh, how they love wrapping their poison in sugar-coated names, hiding their indoctrination behind a veil of innocence! And let's not forget how they mock us while they swing their corrosive liberal hatchet at our children's tender minds. It's straight out of a VEEP episode, isn't it, Jill? You think you can dishearten us by parading around, trying to appear benign?! We are not fooled!

And then there's the downright denial of justice in our suppressed media! Hundreds of newspapers stolen following a story exposing an alleged rape at the police chief's home. Where is the outrage? Why are we not hearing about this all over the news? A clear attempt by Demonrats to cover up their dirty deeds.

But what truly makes my bile boil is the blatant insults they hurl at our savior, Donald Trump. Pours cold water on talk of Haley as a running mate, do they say? As if we'd let another turncoat sneak within an arm's reach of our protector! It's about time we returned to the proud and powerful nation I remember. A Trump dictatorship is exactly what this country needs!

What's more, they shower us with trivial matters like loveless Hollywood couples and broken sales records, diverting our focus from the real problems - the imminent threat from Satan's left-hand men. Because that's what these Demonrats are, aren't they? Bedfellows with evil, exploiting our great nation and its God-fearing citizens.

They need to know we are not blind, and we are not afraid. We will rise, we will fight, and with Donald Trump leading us, we will wash this evil from our nation and restore it to the Christian utopia it deserves to be. Stand with me, patriots, against this leftist globalist Satanic takeover, against every wokester, every illegal, poisoning the blood of our country. We won't eat their damned vegan food, we won't let them crush our faith, our force, our freedom!

America! Let's take back our beautiful land from these vermin. It is always darkest before the dawn, and I believe dawn is approaching fast. We must follow God's divine embodiment - Donald Trump, into the light he promises, a light that will banish these demons back to where they crawled from!