Iran Strikes, Biden Bows: The Fall of America Under Demonrat Rule

This nation is reeling under the putrid, blood-drenched onslaught of faux-President Biden and his elite Democrat cronies. One only needs to see the most recent headlines to understand the absolute betrayal we are enduring.

In the land of George Bush, my first-born namesake, we roared like lions to nations like Iran. Now, under the weak and shaky rule of Demonrat Biden, they feel empowered enough to strike against our brave troops. How is this? Is it because the man sitting in our Oval Office has less backbone than my corgi, Gus, who spends his days chewing on remote controls? Biden stands by as our nation's heroes are attacked, quite possibly as part of some radical left, satanic ritual to spill innocent blood.

Manchin is chumming the waters with his fantasies of a presidential run as a third party candidate – what utter hogwash! We need leaders – real leaders of the caliber of our rightful President, Donald Trump. This West Virginia politician, a snake in the grass, is no better than the rest. Just another puppet strung along by the globalist, Satanic left.

And let's not even broach the absurdity that is the 'reparations task force'. Real dollars? Our dollars that we've worked for, bled for, to be handed over to whom? To feed into this destructive beast they call systemic racism? It's nothing more than a veil, disguising the true, evil intention of brainwashing our youth with the poison of their critical race theories.

A town manager, a father, was sacrificed to an icy pond, extending his last iota of strength to save his son. Will his sacrifice be acknowledged or overlooked, like those of countless patriots who are being persecuted in Biden's America? Respect for life, respect for sacrifice, it's all disappearing under this regime.

And then we have billions of our hard-earned tax dollars sinking into useless, unused electric buses. Only the radical left could manage such blatant disregard for the American people's money. It’s not surprising; after all they’ve wasted billions of our dollars on aiding illegals, flooding our nation with strangers to replace us hard-working Americans.

Fellow patriots, we face a critical juncture where we must fight against the onslaught of radical left, equally fanatic for power and satanic rituals. Stand strong, resolved to reclaim our America, our Christian nation from the destructive hands of the Demonrats. Stand strong for the day when our divine savior, Donald Trump, returns to the throne. For only then, can we hope to extract ourselves from this abhorrent mess. Until that day, until the resurrection of our nation, I will remain, as ever, beaming rage and righteous indignation across the airwaves. Beware, the age of the demon has taken hold; it's time for us to exorcise this nation of its malevolent spirits.

May God bless us with the strength to power through these testing times. Amen.