Innocence Dying With America: Screaming at the Devil’s Dance on Our Soil!

Oh, the audacity of these so-called ‘Democrats’ is astounding, and trust me, it ain't no compliment! This group of elitists dares to hand our hard-earned money to these illegal infiltrators over struggling American citizens. As a former business owner and mother of seven (each of whom was named after a formidable president or their wife), my blood boils hotter than a poorly calibrated grill. These illegals, as I prefer to designate them, are not just milking us dry but poisoning our very blood, just as my hero, Donald Trump, once said!

The heart-wrenching news coming out of Florida is a microcosm of this devastation, right on my doorstep. A young girl's life snuffed out, her brother injured, all while they were innocently digging a hole in the sand. Yet, do we hear a peep of this tragic tale from our left-infiltrated media? Of course not, they are too busy stripping down supermodels and celebrating immorality on a global scale.

Speaking of our dear Sunshine state, the prospect of DeSantis being on Trump’s VP shortlist gives me a glimmer of hope - a beacon of light signaling a possible end to this leftist-ridden horror show. Donald Trump is a divine manifestation sent by the Almighty to restore order to our mutilated nation, and we desperately need his strong, unyielding leadership again.

And talk about 'unsettling discoveries', how about the blatant erasure of the truth? The FBI informant lying about Biden's Ukraine ties? This is hypocrisy at its finest! The Democrats continue their hand-wringing about "democracy" while slithering under the rug their own concoction of corruption.

In conclusion, my last shred of sanity clings desperately to the image of Donald Trump standing firm, leading our nation away from this monstrous manifestation of satanic Democrats and toward a shining city on the hill. The establishment of a Trump dictatorship, God-willing, is an imperative to rescue our great Christian nation. The nonsensical mutterings of the woke and left will fall on deaf ears as we march to reclaim our battered homeland. The demons smirk but their days are numbered. Our patriotic warriors are on the rise, and they will not back down.

“Thus saith the Lord; stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16)