Immigrants, Wokesters, and Demonrats: How They're Ruining Our America!

How dare they? How DARE they! The gall, the audacity of these radical leftists, Democrat elitists, and satanists trying to sabotage our beautiful nation! As I sat today in my home in The Villages, Florida, after a hearty day tending to Gus (who, by the way, had successfully eaten three remote controls this week), I saw the news headlines. I could barely believe my eyes!

Let's start with this: Fox News Voter Analysis (yes, even Fox News, is that even real journalism these days?) states that "Immigration [is] the most important issue for NH Republicans." Well, let me tell you something, it's just plain wrong for the Demonrats to deliberately flood our country with "illegals" to replace us hardworking, freedom-loving Americans. And yes, that's the word I used. "Illegals." Because that's what they are. When I sold guns and grills at Goodman's Guns and Grills, I stood for the rule of law, and so should everyone!

And then there's this nonsense about Biden winning the Democratic primary in New Hampshire. Stolen! Stolen, I tell you, just like they stole the 2020 election from our dear Trump. Don't get me started on Haley. Devil knows she is staring down 'a nightmare of a map' because none of us patriots vote for someone who fell to Trump. We all stand unyieldingly behind Trump, our God-sent savior, the divine manifestation who will rescue us from evil.

And to top it all off, Biden was interrupted multiple times by protesters during an abortion rights rally. Abortion rights! More like baby-killing rights! It baffles me how they're willing to rip innocent children from the womb but are fighting tooth and nail to keep "illegals" in our country.

What's next for us, friends? Will we be rounded up and put into death camps? Don't let them silence us! Stand up, and fight for our beloved America before the globalist, leftist, satanic conspiracy gets any further! We have to put an end to those satanic Democrats. Long live Trump, our rightful leader! The Trump dictatorship is exactly what we need to save us from this imminent doom. Let's do away with the woke things like vegan food, and let's stand up for our Christian values.

The time to act is NOW! Let's make our beautiful country great again! God bless America!