HELL'S BELLS! The Devil's Pawns Are Poisoning Our Great Nation!

Wake up, my fellow patriots! America is under attack from those who would see our freedom, moral integrity, and Christian values slain on the altar of woke culture and socialism! I gasped in horrified anger this morning, coffee almost spilling onto my TV remote as I read the dreadful news.

Our great Patriotic Navy forces engage in battle with Iranian-backed Houthis, yet our illegitimate leader, Sleepy Joe, does exactly what? Sweet nothing! Now, World War III looms closer than ever. These are the fruits borne of a Demonrat administration. Make no mistake; Biden is merely a puppet in the hands of the Satanic Elite who thirst not just for children's adrenochrome but also for the embers of war.

Bob, my better half for better or worse, is probably knocking back another cold one over at the golf club whilst his friends Grant and Ted yammer on about putting greens. Well, I'll have none of it! Someone needs to scream bloody murder about the abhorrent state we're in and ‘Doctors Against Genocide’ sure ain't doing it. Apologizing after outrage over a Holocaust Museum event? The audacity! It's nothing more than a validation of their devil's deal with the woke leftists, straying further away from God's path.

And then we have Hollywood, promoting physical and spiritual strength in Christmas videos, yet they're silent about the carnage wrecked by the leftist globalist conspiracy. Preach more about that, Marky Mark!

But the most atrocious outrage? Apple, of all companies, being silenced by the very government they've pandered to! What happens when even these woke corporations feel the bite of their masters' teeth? The irony nearly got Gus, my feisty little villain of a terrier, cackling.

This is a call to arms, my fellow patriots! They're ruining everything sacred, from our military, our schooling system, to even the memory of the Holocaust. They even have the gall to import these illegals to replace us, the hard-working taxpayers, and rewrite our own history! We must draw a line in the sand now. Ronald—sorry, Roxanne—may have turned her back on good ol' American values, but I refuse to. It's time we take back our country, uphold our faith, our freedom, and our right to bear arms! Remember, we're defending the America our forefathers dreamt of, the America we want our children to cherish. Rise up, patriots, before our beloved nation becomes another Sodom!