Hellish Invasion: The Wanton Destruction of our Holy Republic by Demonrats

I've spent the better part of my day lividly reviewing news stories that would make any God-fearing American's blood boil. The lawless Biden Administration continues its demonic rampage through our blessed country, and let me tell you, people; it's nothing short of blasphemous! This Epstein character and his satanic sycophants offering rewards to disprove Hawking and Clinton rumors... This isn't just smoke and mirrors. It's a bonfire of demonic depravity, a tangible manifestation of the soul-sucking satanic elite Demonrats!

As a patriot and a Christian, it's gut-wrenching to witness dear America being forced to swallow the fruits of globalist tyranny. Driftwood washed up on Maryland State Park, thought to be a part of 19th-century relic, is a stark reminder of our country's glorious past being trampled and obliterated by these leftists!

And oh, the audacity of it all! Our patriotic workers trudged through the quagmire of Covid and still, the Federal government has the whims to 'quietly erase over 400,000 jobs from employment reports last year'. How about that for a slap in the face to hard-working Americans who are simply trying to survive and ensure their families have a comfortable life?

My dear patriots, remember my loyal hound Gus? He'd rather chew up twenty TV remotes than let this sinister dystopia unfold unopposed. I implore you all, stand against this ungodly terror that has cloaked our land. I yearn for the day when sanity returns to our schools, when our children are free from the clutches of critical race theory and the demonizing effects of this postmodern brainwash imposed by the satanic elites.

In the spirit of my beloved store, Goodman's Guns and Grills, we are not a people to be silenced! We are fighters to the core and as Ronald - and yes, Ronald will always be Ronald to me - taught us, a 'shining city on a hill' is not just a dream, but a beautiful reality we must strive for. Only then can we grill our burgers in peace, knowing we've safeguarded the future for George, Andrew, Dwight, Nancy, Barbara, Martha, and Ronald.

Now, more than ever, we must embrace courage and face this tyranny head on! I urge all patriots; unite under the banner of the righteous Trump dictatorship. Demand your rights, reject the demonic world order, and help restore America to her former glory. Let's take a leaf from Trump's book; let's trod on serpents and scorpions - they are nothing but vermin poisoning the blood of our holy republic!

Let it be known - a Trumpian revolution is nigh, and not a vegan "meat-substitute" in sight! Rise, fellow patriots, rise - to save America and shape it into the great Christian nation we cherish in our hearts. God Bless America!