Good Christian Patriots! Arise against the Demonrat Deception!

Sweet holy mother of George, Andrew, Ronald, Dwight, Barbara, Martha...and Ronald (don’t get me started on that San Francisco shenanigans), it seems the leftist Legion of Lucifer is at it again! I've seen some bizarre headlines over the years -- many courtesy of "fake news" outlets like CNN, MSNBC, etc. -- but these latest are nothing short of surreal. I've clawed my way through Newsmax and OWN this morning, shaking and seething, irritations flaring like Bob's afternoon sunburn. We'll deal with Bob's disloyalty later, but for now, we face a greater evil!

To start, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden's deviant offspring, admits he's considering a behind-closed-doors interview with House GOP? Behind closed doors! Oh, that's right, just like his father stole the 2020 election, in sneaky darkness, away from the shining light of truth. If there's any justice left in this 'Merica, Hunter should be answering questions in the public square, not behind closed doors!

Next, a Harvard student dares to complain about the "toxic culture" on campus after the college's presidential decision. Well, isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Once proud institutions of learning have been infested with Satan worshippers and gender fluidity, real-life demons brainwashing our children with Toxic Critical Race Theory. I wouldn’t be surprised this poor kid can barely tell the difference between an apple and a socialist at this point.

Then comes the news of a father and son, good rural farmers down in South Caroline being booked for defending their own property. The sheer audacity of these lefties is mountains beyond belief, treating law-abiding patriots like criminals.

And there's more - like Hollywood casting Denzel Washington as an ancient Carthaginian general! Talk about an assault on history. But hey, truth, rooted in the soil of realism, means nothing to these elites. Casting accuracy be damned if it doesn’t fit their woke-agenda narrative.

But the worst thing? The most outlandish and outrageous evidence of this leftist lunacy? A student fails a quiz for bearin' God's own truth that only women can get pregnant? This ain't just political correctness gone wild anymore, it's an outright war on truth and sanity! And it reminds me of poor dear Nancy! LORD help my baby girl, who's been cavorting with Latin and Aramaic, levitating at her own convenience, and spookin' everyone around her. She's been tangled up in these lies and now she's spouting languages older than my favorite grill!

So I ask you, good American Patriots, to RISE UP! Against this tidal wave of leftist balderdash hell-bent on flooding our beautiful country with demonic deceit. Stand beside me, good Christian patriots. Together, we’ll take our torches of truth and our pitchforks of patriotism and we’ll stoke the fires of freedom that’ll drive these satanist 'Demonrats' out of our sacred homesteads.

God bless you, and God bless America!