From Saul to Paul: Opening Eyes to the Danger of Christo-Fascist Propaganda

It is with a heavy heart and clear mind that I write about the deceptive nature of the media I once held dear, the deceptive strategy of Fox News - a mouthpiece of Christian-nationalist extremism, a stewpot of misinformation, deceit, and fear-mongering. Each article, each headline, carefully curated to further the divisive agenda of an insidious movement, seeking to undermine the foundations of our democracy and breed intolerance and hatred.

Take for example, the recent story about "Mob of anti-Israel agitologists arrested near top Senate Democrat's home". This headline carefully cherry-picks facts to paint an image of destructive, Anti-Semitic dissent. Fox News, as always, seeks to inflame tensions, paint liberals as threats and create scapegoats that the Christian-nationalists can use to justify their ruthless, undemocratic endeavors.

Rather than focusing on comprehensive coverage, the headline provides an over-simplified snapshot of the situation, devoid of context. Example, how these individuals may also be protesting the Israeli government's actions against Palestinians— a civil rights issue worthy of serious discussion, not just dismissive branding as "Anti-Semitic".

Just look at Fox's framing of the "Senate approving $95B aid package for Ukraine and Israel, bill that forces TikTok's hand". The hidden subtext stirs anti-immigrant sentiment, suggesting that hard-working Americans' taxes are going to aid "others", when in fact this aid is a strategic measure to protect global stability. Furthermore, the negative spin on TikTok is simply the extension of far-right concerns over a platform that allows voices of dissent and diversity to be heard.

Reading the misleading article on the Manhattan DA's case against Donald Trump, the audience is led to believe the perched malfeasance is all "fake news," thus solidifying the erstwhile President's lie-infested narrative. What concerns me greatly, is the potential danger this misinformation presents to our LGBTQ+ community, immigrants, and those perceived as enemies of the Christian-nationalists.

As one would expect, Fox News avoids any mention of the historical prejudice harbored by Christian-nationalist organizations. They push their agenda subtly, silently, until they find themselves in the position to promote hate openly. We must challenge this. Each of us has a role to play in rejecting this biased narrative, this deceitful dogma. For it is not a theocracy that America needs, but a democracy that values all, regardless of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

The road from Shelly Goodman to Lilith Goodman has been a revelation of empathy and compassion, a journey from blind acceptance to mindful resistance. Let us encourage conversations, let us advocate religious pluralism, acceptance, and love over division and hate. And above all, let us remove our rose-tinted glasses and see this propaganda for what truly it is - a potential death knell to our treasured American democracy.