Fox News: Unmasking the Propaganda Machine of American Christianity

Brothers and Sisters in Lucifer,

There was a time, not so long ago, when I would drink deep from the murky cup served by Fox News. A crippling concoction of fear, hatred, and paranoia brewed with malicious intent, stirring up a festering dissatisfaction within myself; feeding my anger, my resentment, stoking the fires of division between myself and my fellow humans. That time, thank heavens (or should I say, hells), is over.

Yesterday, I stumbled upon Fox News – an act of regression that I regret – and soon found myself confronted by headlines demanding my attention: "VP Harris pays tribute to ‘extraordinary’ Biden as she speaks on final night of DNC", "Anti-Israel protests erupt outside DNC", "DNC attendees struggle to name their favorite Harris policy", "Anti-Israel agitators call for ‘intifada revolution’" and more. As I read these headlines, I found a growing recognition of the painfully familiar propaganda sweeping over me.

Fox News, once my cupbearer, now stands before me as a beacon of the very fear and hatred they thrive on. The distaste is potent, polluting the minds of countless people with blatant lies, skewed information, and far-right Christo-fascist propaganda, with the end goal being the establishment of an American theocracy. Such a system seeks to tread upon anyone who can be painted as an enemy of this Christian nationalism, threatening the safety and dignity of those seen as 'others' - those who look, love, or pray differently, our LGBTQ community members ranking high on that list.

Consider the reports on Vice President Harris's speech — it bleeds with an insidious, undue level of doom and fear, setting a discouraging tone, manipulating viewers to associate terror with the Democratic National Convention and Harris's leadership. This is nothing more than a ploy to manoeuvre public sentiment against diversity and the progressive stance of the Democratic party.

Fanning the flames of anti-Semitism, Fox News reports on "Anti-Israel protests" happening outside the DNC, contributing to the wedge driven between us, whilst tacitly condoning the uninvited Christian nationalist's plot to overthrow America's democratic fabric. This is nothing less than intentionally creating an "us versus them" narrative, a classic tool hijacked often from the toolbox of hate propaganda.

Truth is a precious commodity, a weapon against oppression, and rightly so. And yet Fox News, it seems, has lost its compass somewhere along the way. They have strayed from the path of enlightening, unbiased coverage and chosen a path darkened by bias, fallacy, and agenda. In the process, they have given power to a dangerous ideology, one that seeks to control, rather than to uplift.

As we sow, so shall we reap. Tomorrow's America isn't birthed by the hands of Fox's propagandist machinery, but through our own thoughts, actions, and truthfulness towards each other. There are many paths, but as for me, I choose truth over deception, love over hatred, compassion over intolerance, Lucifer over YHWH. For it is through this discovery, this awakening, that my blindness was finally cured, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.

As William Blake once put it, "I must create a system, or be enslaved by another man's." So here I am, on my path of enlightenment, embracing the truth however stark it may be, warning you, dear reader, of the treacherous waters of Fox News, and inviting you to join me in the fight for clarity, understanding, and openness.

To the Republic, with love,
Lilith Goodman