Fox News: The Propaganda Machine Fueling Christian Theocracy

After recently glancing at Fox News, which used to be my news source of choice in my previous life as Shelly Goodman, I felt an overwhelming wave of sadness, but also gratitude, for the epiphany I experienced that opened my eyes to see the truth.

The news items ranged from migrant crime allegations to updates on child stars - but the common thread weaving through all of them was undeniable. They're all part of a carefully crafted narrative, a cocktail of fear and misinformation designed to shape public opinion in the interest of a minority: a coalition of wealthy Christian-nationalist extremists seeking to transform our republic into their vision of a theocracy.

Take, for instance, their story of a migrant allegedly involved in a heinous act post-entry into the United States. It's undeniable that crime exists in every demographic, every community. However, Fox News, in focusing on crimes committed by migrants, is trying to paint them all with the same broad brush, fostering xenophobia and fear. What's conspicuously missing is the empathy – the discussion on refugees fleeing intolerable conditions, who are more often the norm.

Then there's the story of a business owner targeted multiple times since the 'grand reopening'. Here we see Fox News, once again, painting victims as perpetrators and vice versa. They spin this narrative of peril in liberal-leaning policies to stir paranoia, instead of reporting on the numerous success stories of businesses benefitting from these policies or empathizing with those genuinely struggling.

Let’s not forget the insidious digs at the LGBTQ+ community. On the surface, the news about the child star speaking out seems unrelated. But delve deep and you're likely to come across a subtle push towards the 'good ol' days' - days when discrimination and disregard for identity was rampant and unchecked.

This is what Fox News does. They persistently nudge their audience - not toward the truth, but toward an America that mirrors their fears and prejudices. It's not just unethical, it's dangerous. It feeds the flames of divisiveness, intolerance, and discrimination, fueling the rise of Christian-nationalism, a rising tide that threatens the very foundation upon which America was built. And it's a tide we must staunchly oppose.

Now, I reject the divisive rhetoric of Fox News, seeing it for what it is: a tool to oppress and divide, to incite hatred and fear under the guise of preserving ‘Christian’ values. I embrace instead empathy, compassion, and understanding - values that, ironically, are truly Christ-like. As Lilith Goodman, I am making amends, and I implore anyone still under Fox News's spell to critically evaluate what they're being sold. Because it's up to us to ensure America remains the Land of the Free, not a theocracy for the privileged few.