FOX IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING: Unmasking the Propaganda of Fear

My dear folks of all religious or non-religious stripes, gender identities or sexual orientations, or cultural heritages,

I feel akin to the Apostle Paul, though without his divine directive or biblical significance, as I too had a 'Road to Damascus' awakening, a profound paradigm shift akin to stepping out of a dark room into the blinding sunlight of reality. And it's that awakening that I want to share with you today.

Late last night, I had the unfortunate mishap of stumbling onto Fox News's latest slew of headlines. As I scanned them—ranging from Trump's exaltation as an ever undefeated "fighter" to insinuations of forceful resignation on President Biden—I saw an insidious collection of wolf-cries; a tight weave of fiery and fear-inspiring narratives.

Let's dissect this for a moment. Trump, a man known for spewing hatred, division, and outright lies, is glorified as an indefatigable champion. Not by the people, no, but by a UFC giant. Inflating such opinion merely to validate and aggrandize a character already swollen with self-importance is not news—it's propaganda.

And yet, what disturbs me the most are the not-so-subtle projections of a dystopian future, where Christian fundamentalism undermines the constitutional values we hold dear. When the news becomes a tool to stoke the fires of paranoia and prejudice instead of offering unbiased reportage, one must question both its motive and agenda.

Perhaps what unsettles me most profoundly is their implicit endorsement of a Christian-nationalistic theocracy. A reality where LGBTQ people would face unthinkable discrimination. A reality wherein immigrants are deemed pariahs. A reality wherein the wealthy autocrats reign supreme, while ordinary, hardworking Americans are cast aside in this tormented contest of power and religion.

Moreover, the fear-mongering around a Democratic president's potential exit only serves to further destabilize our already tenuous state of unity. Instead of focusing on bipartisan efforts, they invest energy into theatrical predictions about Biden's political future.

Fox News articles are rife with lies, omissions, and misrepresentations. They are designed to play on people's fears and manipulate them into supporting a cause that only favors a privileged few. The resulting undercurrent of anxiety and division only serves to push their far-right and dangerously theocratic agenda.

I write this post not as a counter-attack, but as a cautionary tale. The experience of my personal transformation made me realize the danger of buying into such fear-based narratives. And today, I implore you all to question, to research, to engage in conversation, and to foster understanding across barriers.

We, as a nation, need to prioritize empathy, compassion, and religious pluralism instead of surrendering our belief systems to media outlets who peddle cheap and deceitful sentiment.

Remember, genuine faith should always unite us rather than divide. Faith, irrespective of which God or scriptures it is directed toward, should always be about love, respect, and tolerance.

Yours thoughtfully,

Lilith Goodman