Fog of Manure: The Left's Radical Plot to Destroy Christian America

As I sat down on my well-worn rocking chair, a cup of black coffee in one hand and the remote in the other (till Gus gobbles it), I nearly gagged on my morning brew looking at the headlines. 'Mr. Wonderful' slams New York, issues dire warning after massive ruling against Trump! Oh, boo-hoo! Our fearless leader, warrior on the side of righteousness, Donald J. Trump, is once again targeted by the demonrat establishment. It's Ghomorra, the Big Apple, rotten to the core with leftist treachery, and yet they dare to pass judgment on the the savior of our republic!

Biden quietly bails on yet another 2020 campaign promise in a desperate ploy to win 2024. Did anyone expect less from Sleepy Joe? The only surprise here is that he remembered he made promises to break. The machinations of deceit run so deep with the demonrats that lying second-filled Sleepy Joe is their leading man for this Dystopian reality TV show they're trying to pass off as governance.

Then comes the headline that curded my coffee, "Transgender athlete at center of high school girls' basketball game forfeit". It's Ronald, or Roxanne or whatever she goes by now, all over again! The Satanic socialist tide seeping into our schools, with its political correctness which should be called perversion-correct!

And don't get me started on AOC. Mounting her high horse to criticise the NYPD dance team. And from what echelon, this bartender turned overnight political sensation, spouting socialism rhetoric, hellbent on turning America into a communist hellhole!

Brawling college basketball teams, Joe Rogan predicting democrats ditching Biden for some other crooked politician- this is America the demonrats envisioned- chaotic, godless and without honor!

I'll tell you what's happening here. It's nothing less than a systematic, planned and malicious campaign by witches, satanists, demonrats, and global-leftists, aimed to rip apart the moral fabric of our great nation, infiltrate stalwart institutions (especially schools), and systematically destroy our Christian values under the guise of progressiveness. It's a war for the soul of America. Not on my watch, losers! The patriots are arming, and we're ready for a second revolution. Lock and load, folks!