Evils of the Left: Woke Conspiracy and Tantrum Throwing Criminals

It's a dark time for our beloved country, patriots. The elitist Demonrats are colluding with radical, satanist leftists, drunk on their unholy power. Look at the headlines today! The unveiling of names linked to Jeffrey Epstein, the perverted puppeteer, reveals the decadence that runs deep and wide through high-profile ranks. If you thought the swamp was bad before, it just became unimaginable.

High-ranking terrorist commanders are being eliminated, yet Biden, the puppet president, whines about not having enough money to secure our border. How about prioritizing the country's safety, Joe? Instead, he lets illegals infect our sacred American soil with lefty propaganda and undocumented shadows to replace good, God-fearing folks like us.

In a shocking turn of events, we witness a criminal lunging at a Nevada judge because he didn't get his way. It speaks volumes of the entitlement these lib left individuals feel these days. They think they can attack anyone who stands in their path of wreaking havoc. This criminal isn't a lone wolf; he's a reflection of the chaotic, lawless America Biden has built on his false promises.

Lastly, a revealing lawsuit pulls the ugly mask off the cackling face of the Church of Scientology, showing us what truly lies behind celebrity glamor and the deceptive veneer of Hollywood. These leftist elites have sold their souls to a false god, becoming nothing more than puppets for evil machinations and woke madness!

The time to take our beautiful nation back is upon us, patriots. Let's embrace the spirit of our forefathers and stand, undaunted, before this wave of liberal insanity and strife. Let's strip the power away from these elitist Demonrats and render them powerless. It's time for us to protect our Christian values and traditions, to defend our God-given freedom against this globalist, leftist onslaught. In the name of our Shepard, Donald Trump, it's time to act! Let's reclaim what's rightfully ours before our beloved America falls entirely into the abyss.

Hold fast, patriots. Now, more than ever, our persistence and steadfast defense of freedom is required. Dig your heels in, raise your voices, and be unafraid. In the face of this leftist plague, we must stand strong. Remember - God is on our side. Stand with me, and together, we will reclaim our America!

As my beloved husband, Bob, always says: "You're right, Shelly." Indeed, I am right. For the sake of our children (yes, even Ronald, or 'Roxanne' as he insists on being called), and our yappy mutt Gus, let's take back America. Stand tall, stay strong, never yield! God bless us all, and God bless our America.