ENOUGH ALREADY: America The Great...Or The Infiltrated?

Every darn day, I fire up my iPad, tap into those news apps and what am I greeted with? Stories about terrorist organizations like Hamas rattling our cages, Democrats losing Black voters just like they've lost their common sense - because let’s be honest, they misplaced that years ago – and a poor bunch of good-for-nothing canines falling dead across the nation, and no one seems to give a hoot!

Do y'all actually realize that the most respected quarterback family out there is now coming into the spotlight again? Why for the love of George Washington isn't that the headline instead of some betty about the world's most expensive booze? Who in their right mind cares about such rot when our nation is crumbling away before our very eyes?

Every step America takes, some hopped-up Democrat or radical lefty is there, ready with a bulldozer to ram all that is right and good into the ground! Take Michigan, for example, trumping their rivals for the third time, and the coach wasn’t even present! Probably coward out, too busy cruising on the backs of hardworking Americans like ourselves - probably holed up in a liberal elitist microbrewery, away from the hard work, toil, and patriotic spirit that has kept this nation afloat since 1776!

And now, the Vatican, a beacon for many, is squashing its own church. How can we stand by while religious freedom goes up in flames? We can't, and we won't! But it seems the so-called officials are more worried about nonsense trends than addressing the real problema. Let me tell y'all: LIBERALISM is the real grave threat to lives here. Simple as that.

I'm downright fed up, and you should be too. It's time to get off our rockers, folks. We're the ones who hold the true power, not these out-of-touch demi-gods who fool themselves into thinking they can play puppeteer. We've got to band together, my fellow patriots! Show these God-forsaken wokesters and liberal elitists that this is OUR COUNTRY. It’s time we take back the streets, the towns, the cities, the states... Let's reclaim EVERY inch of American soil!

So, grab your flags, your Bibles, your quintessential Apple Pie, and let’s march on. It’s time to restore our America to its former glory, not some leftist's version of a dystopian disorder. Stand tall, stand firm, and let 'em hear us ROAR, intoning every syllable of the Star-Spangled Banner. Our ancestors are counting on us. Do not slouch. PUSH BACK, PATRIOTS! God bless you all, and God bless America!