Discerning Deception: Unmasking the Far-right Christo-Fascist Agenda

Greetings, dear readers.

Once upon a bitter time, I used to be an ardent follower of Fox News. Much like many others, I unblinkingly absorbed the consistent flow of far-right views, served as news by this network. But thankfully, my personal "Road to Damascus" moment forced a shift in perspective, leading me to see the once ‘trusted’ medium in its true light. Today, I wish to share with you my insight into how Fox News, a champion of Christian-nationalist extremists, manufactures propaganda to incite its audience and advance its agenda.

Fox News thrives on both blatant and subtle aids to manipulation. Their biased narrative, unfounded allegations, and relentless effort to play up fears and anxieties created a ripe environment for the growth of Christo-fascist ideas. Undoubtedly, one can see this at play in their regular rhetoric around the 'god-anointed' former President Donald Trump. Headlines such as "Trump reacts to showdown with Biden at rowdy rally, says voters should be asking one question" are cleverly crafted to play on the credibility and trust built over the Trump reign while painting the current President Biden and his administration as inadequate. I shake my head when I recall how such a headline would have once fired me up.

Other manipulative news pieces, such as "New York Times editorial board drops bomb on Biden campaign after debate disaster", or "Biden staffers reportedly so depressed they couldn’t bring themselves to go to work today", cater exclusively to a hate-filled narrative. They sow seeds of doubt around the current administration while disparaging any pushback against facets of Christian-nationalist extremism. These reports are not just selective; they demonstrate a calculated effort to elicit a specific response, carefully curated to promote a narrative of failure and inadequacy.

And let us not forget the subtle attacks on minorities and identity affirmation. "United allegedly blocked mom and family from plane for misgendering flight attendant" headlines serve a dual purpose. They suggest that protecting and affirming identities go against 'family values'. They also fuel the baseless fear that 'normal' people are in danger from those who don't fit their rigid, perverse definitions of morality.

What Fox News advocates for is not a democratic society but a theocracy controlled by the wealthy, a dangerous terrain where LGBTQ+ individuals and anyone failing to comply with their extremist nationalist vision is relentlessly targeted.

For those who might still be in the dark, I urge you to consume news critically and question the narratives being peddled. And remember, the essence of a truly democratic society hinges upon empathy, compassion, and religious pluralism.

May we be vigilant against the insidious spread of hateful propaganda that seeks to undermine our value system. We owe it to ourselves, our children, and our society.

Yours in discernment,

Lilith Goodman.