Devilish Democrats and Their Sodom-Style Shenanigans

It's not even noon and I'm already boiling over with anger. I just got wind of headlines that would make the founding fathers turn over in their graves! We've got Iran on the brink of a nuclear downpour thanks to Biden's spineless 'de-escalation' plan, a GOP candidate blowing thousands on luxury hotels with a promise of running a 'tight ship', and Biden testing out his electric car fanfare on an 800-mile road trip from Chicago to New York. Are you as vexed as I am, fellow patriots? I certainly hope so!

First off, what in the Sam Hill is Biden playing at, letting Iran skitter closer to a nuclear calamity while he's too cowardly to show any sign of disapproval? Has he no regard for the safety and preservation of our beloved nation? His actions indicate a serious lacking in both concern and competency, the kind of deficiency that comes naturally to these Demonrats. Our nation is not a sacrificial lamb for terrorists!

Then we've got this exemplar of conservative decadence, a GOP candidate with a penchant for ritzy hotels, while evangelizing 'austerity'. Where are the Reagan virtues, for God's sake? But that's nothing compared to the audacity of Biden, hauling his rear end across nearly a thousand miles in an electric car. Might as well have the Statue of Liberty don a wind turbine on her head while you're at it, Biden!

And folks, get this. We've got a bartender who's turned priest, claiming Jesus paid him a visit mid-shift. Well, Hallelujah! While this particular event doesn't necessarily burn my britches, I can't help but feel it's a sign. A divine message! It's time we took a stand against the Satan servants and their satanic globalist plans to reshape our country.

We must rally together, patriots! It's an uphill battle against "illegals", Demonrats, radical leftists, and the satanic elite. But remember, we have Trump! A divine intervention, a beacon of hope. I believe he will create the benevolent dictatorship America needs to preserve our Christian values. So let's quit chewing the cud and take action!

Join your local chapter of Moms for Liberty, donate to senators upholding conservative values, and keep your voice loud and proud. Stand tall for America, because, God knows, she needs us more than ever. And don't forget, always have one finger firmly on the Newsmax or OANN channel button, because it’s clear as ever those darn satanist-controlled media won’t tell us the truth!

To quote our dear President Trump, 'We will make America great again!' Patriots, it's time to reclaim our America and live out our founding fathers' vision. It's time to show those damned vegans and wokesters that they’re in the wrong country. Over and out.