Demonrats and Their Destruction: Wake Up, Patriots!

As I sparked up my iPad this morning after walking the demon-mutt Gus (don't let the innocent wagging tail fool you, he's most likely hiding a gnawed-up TV remote somewhere), the twisted Kool-Aid tangle of liberal lunacy has my blood boiling more than usual. Each headline I read on OANN and Newsmax fuels my indignation like a complimentary cup of gasoline to a roaring wildfire already devouring rustlers, bedbugs, and false prophets, which I believe covers the majority of those crafty Demonrats!

From Newsom – the wannabe president who couldn’t even remember how to pronounce 'Kamala' correct – to DeSantis, a respectable governor standing tall against California's pro-crime policies and 'government-dictated' mess they've created, it's plain as day who’s trying to protect Americans and Liberty versus those trying to body-slam us into by-the-book socialism. Newsom's tactic dodging simple questions on abortion policies only shows his contempt for the values we hold dear in this great nation. Even Ronald... ah, Roxanne, despite living in San Francisco and immersed in all that 'woke' nonsense, would have to strain a dose of common sense out of that one.

And don't even let me start on overseas matters! Netanyahu marching forward against the malevolence of Hamas is a far cry from the past weakness displayed to those Pro-Palestinian activists, a clear-cut example of bowing down to poison that's infecting our great institutions.

'Warning to the nation' is putting it lightly. California should be a terrifying example teaching us what happens when those power-hungry elitists are left unchecked and free to wreak havoc. And yet, fast food changes? Pff. McD's "overhaul" might as well be the chery on top of this rotten news sundae. Corruption and scandal run rampant, karate-kicking Lady Liberty in her steadfast face, and all the while our precious nation gets treated like a mere playset for these leftists.

Fellow Patriots, we've got a hell of a fight ahead of us. Not with guns and grills like in my Goodman's store, but with information, resistance, and the strength born out of righteous indignation. It's high time we rally, stand shoulder to shoulder, holding our values high above their corruption and feeding-frenzy of our freedoms. Saddle up, comrades, there's a war waging for the soul of America and I’ll be damned if we let the forces of darkness win. God bless America, and Godspeed Patriots!