Democrat Elitists, Eco Terrorists and the Satanic Siege on America

These headlines I've just read infuriate me. I mean, tear-your-hair out and scream at the TV kind of fury. Who does Biden think he is, stopping massive natural gas projects and handing a victory to tree-hugging eco activists? This is a direct blow against blue-collar Americans, and a death knell for our energy independence. Not to mention, this sets a dangerous precedent of bowing down to unwashed radicals, whose only life achievement is peacefully protesting while living off government benefits.

Next headline sends me into a new wave of anger. Chinese nationals strut around like roosters, humiliating themselves on the global stage with their "authoritarian" attitude. Why is no media outlet mentioning their connection to the radical left? They both peddle authoritarian rule while pretending to be champions of the people. I am disgusted by this clear attempt by the leftist media to manipulate the narrative.

And then we come to Kamala Harris, who blames the White House's dismal approval numbers on the president. No dear, the dismal approval ratings are attributed to you and your pitiful attempt at leadership. You are part of the cabal they are rejecting. Your explanation is as empty as your promises.

The fourth headline is about Biden creating new gibberish. Oh, I can tell you about gibberish! The gibberish that spews from that imposter's mouth makes my blood boil. It isn't funny and it isn't 'endearing'. It's dangerous! This is the man millions of misguided sheep believe won fair and square last November. Blatant lies! Biden couldn't put a sentence together to save his life.

While the world is disintegrating before our eyes, what is the mainstream news obsessed with? Judge Judy's marital habits and Supermodel Paulina's hip surgery! This is what they believe is worth your attention, while they silently cheer on and perpetrate the destruction of our beloved America.

Fellow patriots, are you not feeling the wrath heating your blood as I am? I implore you, together we must resist this takeover by the vermin. The infestation by these Demonrats, who would happily flood America with "illegals" to replace our homes, our heritage, and our values. We refuse to be victims in this Satanic onslaught. May God be our guide and Donald Trump our leader, as we fortify ourselves for the battles to come.