Creature Feature: Biden's Secret Plot and Satan's Hand in Democrat Deception

I wake up every blessed day in this land that I hold dear to screeching headlines of the Demonrats schemically unravelling the fabric of our great nation. Just when you think the next surreptitious move in their elaborate game of chess can't possibly get worse, it does. I'm fuming more than the grills I used to sell back at Goodman's Guns and Grills seeing the insidious works of the beast and his minions pervading through the land of the free.

First and foremost, let us dissect this so-called 'border deal.' Each word etched into this deceptive narrative is subtle wool spun around our eyes. Time and again, the left wing ignores the cries of patriots while playing Judas with our tax dollars, and ramming through their self-serving agendas under the guise of pseudo empathy. With each vote nearing, pure patriotic blood boils hotter.

Moreover, watching your hard-earned money being "diverted" for the upkeep of those elusive 'illegals' is nothing less than a slap across the face of every God-fearing American patriot. Another classic Demonrat move when they should be focusing on the monstrous entity they've been diffusing on the soil that welcomed the Pilgrims! Let's not forget the storm that’s washing away our brothers in California; the same storm that they, the science-rejecting Demonrats deny exists?

And Elon Musk, who admittedly I've never put much stock in, confirms what all of us God-fearing folks have suspected all along. Biden orchestrating a secret plot to maintain political dominance? I feel my heart rate skyrocket just writing these words. Perhaps Ronald… sorry, Roxanne, living in far-left San Fransisco doesn't think anything of it. But for those of us who know the America that used to be, this hits deep.

Terminating an interview for speaking sense about the Supreme Court! Has the very concept of free speech slipped through the fingers of these leftists trolls? Are we all destined to tread lightly in fear of expressing our ideologies or perspectives? I won't stand for it and nor should you, my fellow patriots. It's time for us to armor up!

Biden's Israel controversy, tying into the shrewd strings of deceit puppeteered by the elitist cabal, leaves a sting in every word that sets in print. You cannot, will not hide the truth from the people who built this nation from blood, sweat, and unshakeable faith. America belongs to the people and I stand testament night and day, holding the front line.

Remember, we are not alone. The man who welcomed the onslaught to salvage our beloved land once, will return. Trump is our white knight, sent by God himself to quash this leftist, globalist Satanic insurgency.

Never forget, Demonrats, your end is nigh. The holy fires of the right will sear the putrid contagion you've spread across this nation. America, as God intended it, shall prevail!