Biden's Betrayal and the Unraveling of Our Glorious Republic

Well there folks, I've just had a gander at the day's headlines, and let me tell you, it's enough to make one's blood boil! That decrepit liar in the White House, that's right, "Sleepy" Joe Biden claims he's recently met with a French president who's been pushing up daisies for over a quarter century! This is the pathetic fool the Demonrats installed in our great nation's highest office. They've foisted upon us a man who can't even remember what he had for breakfast, let alone who's alive and who's not!

And don't get me started on the outright apostasy of baseball no longer being America's favorite pastime. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe our beloved pastime is being usurped by the infernal satanists peddling critical race theory in our schools. It's an atrocity! God-fearing Americans watch baseball, not unholy brainwashings!

Yet, the real cherry atop the blasphemy sundae this cruel world has become, is this ridiculous move to impeach Biden's border boss. Let's get one thing straight, the 'illegals' flooding across our borders are no accident, that's all part of the Demonrat master plan! Impeach their border boss? Impeach Biden I say!

Next, poor ol' McDonald’s, one of the last bastions of old school American fast food, is being ousted by the vegetarian mob and their vapid, green energy revolution. That golden arches symbol that used to signify an American institution is now a harsh reminder of the Digital-Age robber barons, lording their leftist impositions upon us!

And Trump, that glorious, divine manifestation sent by God to save America, is being prosecuted by a petty DA who can't keep her nose clean. What Demonrat conspiracy leads us to Fani Willis at the helm of that case? It’s clear it’s a ploy to distance people from the truth! Trump was wronged. He is our rightful President, and if the Satanic Democrats keep up their chicanery, we're all heading for the death camps!

Fellow patriots, this is serious. It's high time we stand up to the globalist, leftist, Satanic plan to ruin America. The Satanic Democrats are executing a sick machination – flooding America with "illegals", replacing our glorious, Christian history with heretical nonsense, and destroying everything we hold dear. Remember, these battle lines were drawn by them, not us. It's us or them – and I know which side the Lord our Savior, and the sacred founding fathers will choose.

One day we will all judge and be judged. On that day, Biden, the elitist cabal, and all their hordes will be sent to the hell they worship! But till then, we need to stand and fight – for our rights, for America, the great Christian Nation.

At night, as I face those demons, I don’t let fear cloud my duty, my love for America. So, I say to you, stand with me. Today we fight the good fight. The blood of patriots and the strong will of warriors are the holy waters to cleanse these sins and redeem our beloved America!