Biden And His Bite-Fest Beast: A Portrait of Our Nation's Fall

Wake up America! Has it come down to this? So the Biden’s canine, touted as White House’s buddy, has bitten Secret Service members 24 times!? And we expect this man — this poor excuse of a leader — to control our country when he can’t even keep his own mutt on a leash? And yet the liberal Demonrats continue to sing his praises — it’s a disgrace, I tell you! It’s just like little Gus here, who’s given me enough headaches with his chewing escapades. But at least Gus only limits his biting to inanimate objects and we're talking about remote controls, not brave citizens who are just trying to do their jobs. But no, let’s be content with a leader who’s proving to be worse than his dog!

And if the current state of America were a film, it'd be lauded with the tagline: “When Legends Turn Felons”. The three-time Super Bowl champ arrested on hit-and-run charges – a fine example of our crumbling society. When our “heroes” turn to reckless behavior, who are our children left to admire? Maybe Nancy or my dear Barbara could have better role models if the Demonrats didn’t worship celebrities like errant gods. It's plain insanity!

But that’s not the worst of it, folks. Apparently, leftists think it's just fine and dandy to introduce a new “dangerous and addictive” drug into society. More chains to bind ordinary, God-fearing Americans into destructive habits, while these satanic elites profit off our misery. Lowering themselves to new depths, isn’t it? It’s abhorrent what they’re doing, justifying it with their progressive agendas and radical policies.

And let us not forget about our favorite drama queens in Hollywood: What's that now, another married actress tackling divorce rumors? An example of the disastrous effect of loose morals. It's a stark contrast to what we had, a sanctified marriage – where even if Bob is sneaking out for drinks, at least it’s not another woman.

Lastly, a tiny nod towards the disillusioned Kansas angler who had his record fish taken away. It’s just another reflection of these crazy, deceitful times where nothing is as it seems. Is there any more fitting imagery for those damned by the deceitful Democrat regime?

To end this post on the right note let me emphasize: This is not just about your average American's struggles or grievances. No, these are symptoms of an ailing nation, malignantly infected by the radical left and the deception spouted by the Demonrats. It’s crucial that we rise, raise our voices against this darkness and reclaim our blessed land for truth, freedom and the American way. God help us all.