Beware The Beast Cloaked In Wool: Christo-Fascist Propaganda in Mainstream Media

It seems just yesterday that I uncritically consumed the bile spewed by Fox News and their ilk, basking in a comforting lie spun by professional manipulators. Fortunately, I've come a long way from my former self, Shelly, no longer subscribing to the vitriol and Christianity-fueled nationalism that was once my poison. The truth became clear in the most unexpected ways, my vision irrevocably changed after a hard look into the abyss. Today, I'm Lilith Goodman, a Satanist and an advocate for empathy, compassion, and religious plurality.

The fight, however, is far from over. Today, I want to lift the veil for my readers as well. A casual look at Fox News today reveals a cluster of questionable headlines, rife with fearmongering, misinformation, and pusillanimous politics. Take 'Biden DOJ authorized 'deadly use of force' in Mar-a-Lago raid' for instance, the tabloid-like headline designed to stir anxiety and hatred towards the current administration. This is nothing but a veiled, opportunistic attack against the presidency, aiming to return power to those who would leverage it for their own far-right agendas, including undermining our Republic and pushing towards a dangerous Christian theocracy.

Another headline reads, 'Behar admits she holds back criticism of Biden and Maher hits her with reality check'. This is classic Fox News, sowing seeds of division while promoting hateful, divisive narratives. Likewise, 'Boeing whistleblower John Barnett's final words revealed in explosive suicide note' comes off as unsettling, serving to distract the populace with fear and uncertainty, instead of focusing on the structural issues that need to be addressed.

The ulterior motive is clear and frightening. By shaping public discourse, these far-right entities are exploiting religion and politics in a despicable attempt to forge a suppressive Christian theocracy. This would endanger those that I (and society) hold dear - LGBTQ individuals, minorities, immigrants and anyone perceived to be hostile to their narrow-minded beliefs.

Resorting to half-truths, lies, and omissions to create an environment of fear and uncertainty, they divert attention from the growing wealth and power that a minuscule elite is accruing. These are not journalistic whistles but the war trumpets of Christo-fascists, shrouded in false righteousness, advocating for a regime that would be the end of America's cherished freedom and democracy.

Wake up, my fellow Americans! The wolf has been among the flock for too long, and it is up to us to expose it for what it truly is: a predatory beast with a voracious appetite for power and control. Stand firm; cherish empathy, believe in compassion, and uphold the essence of religious plurality. We must not let them rewrite our narrative, enforce alignment with a single religious belief, or seize our Republic under the guise of divine authority.