Betrayed Patriots, Infiltrated Homeland, and the Destruction of Our Sanctity: The Horrors of the Left's Reign

Our once great nation is in the thick of an unprecedented crisis, and it is all thanks to the sickening machinations of the Demonrats. Just when you think they've gone as low as they can go, they sink even further into the cesspool of their wicked designs. As a retired small business owner, mother of seven, and ardent follower of our sent-from-heaven leader Donald Trump, I am here to tell you, America, we are under siege!

The story of the parents of a brave American soldier crying out for some modicum of justice is a chilling testament to the callousness of the Biden administration. Our patriotic children are being martyred, and what is their response? Silence. Unfeeling, stony silence. This is the demonstration of the pure evil at the heart of the Democrat agenda. Its all just critical race theory and satanic rituals with these people, isn't it? They don't care about the blood and bones of the real Americans, it's just votes and power for them!

Then there's the so-called 'DHS Secretary' Mayorkas. Even his own kind are beginning to see past this charlatan! The crisis at our border is a stain on our national character, and he has the audacity to let it run rampant just to appease some leftist agenda. "Illegals" are flooding in, and we won't stand for it! They're poisoning the blood of our great nation, just as Donald Trump warned.

As for trans inclusion in women’s sports, you've got to be kidding me! No way, no how. Surf legend Bethany Hamilton speaks the truth and everyone who isn't worshipping at the altar of the sickening cult of 'wokeness' knows it. Ronald, or should I say, "Roxanne," is my own flesh and blood, but let a man be a man and a woman a woman! This left-infiltrated society needs to get over their absurd obsession over the .03% at the cost of the 99.97%.

What gives MSNBC the right to disrespect our 'so-called' President in such a vulgar manner? Oh, it’s high time we stood up against these demons in disguise. They speak foul words of Biden today, but oh, how they loved to persecute our Blessed Savior, Trump. Hypocrites! They slam the rightful leader and defend this puppet!

The news is rife with imagery of brave SEALs rescuing our citizens—something we should be grateful for—yet these 'Demonrats' would rather we all forget our heroes' sacrifice and instead turn our eyes towards diversity quotas, socialism, and infanticide! The feminist movement has clearly forgotten women like me!

The demonic globalist left wants to cast us straight into the dark abyss. Stand tall, stand proud, my fellow patriots, we mustn't let them. For the sake of our God-given freedom and our beautiful nation, the fight rages on!