Awakening the American Lion: The Downfall Caused by Leftists, Demagoguery, and Endless Hypocrisy!

Good gracious! If that buffoon they call Biden and his puppeteers think they can swindle us into merely accepting these news headlines, then they've got another thing coming! These headlines are nothing but a stark display of the sheer lunacy that's gripping our once great nation. Israel gets back its hostages – fine, good for them. But where, I ask, are our American hostages? Trump's comment about this should be a wake-up call to everyone! The Democrat elitists don't seem to care an iota about our own citizens' safety! It's open season on Americans, and the hunters are the liberal media and their cronies!

I turn my gaze upon Canada's too-smooth Prime Minister – Trudeau, playing the 'blame game' against American conservatives regarding Ukraine. Oh, what an exemplary virtuoso he is, in his path to misdirect his own nation's failures onto us. Why, it's as American as apple pie, isn't it? Pound away at us, and maybe your buddy Soros will give you your good-boy biscuit, Trudeau! I won't even address the ridiculous 'dog illness' - just another scare tactic to keep us fearful!

Now, let's talk about this omnipresent 'woke-ism' that's infesting every part of our society. Star parents debating how to discipline their kids? What's next, a Sociology Class 101 on raising a child by some college kid fueled by red-velvet lattes and six vegan diet books?

And the ubiquitous 'racism' card seems to be running out of juice. Even the Black voters are seeing through the smokescreen. This, my friends, is cause for celebration! A little justice to soothe our rightfully wrathful souls!

To top it all off, we now have a runaway animal on a plane! Are we to believe that this is normal? What happened to safety, order, and law? The democrats seem to know nothing about it, with their fancy colleges, free-spending habits, and reckless disregard for anything resembling traditional values.

Our freedom, our nation, our very future is at stake. Now is the time to rise, fellow patriots. Now is the time we make our voices heard. We eat our losses, pick up our spirits, and continue to fight. I ask every one of you to stand up to this indignity! Stand up to the leftist globalists before our beloved America is beyond recognition. Rise, patriots! Take back our country before it's devoured by these wokesters and their legion of blind followers! The time is now. Let the Lion of America roar again!