Awake and Angered: The Left's War on America's Freedom

These headlines, patriots, are another stark reminder of how Satan-worshipping Democrats, or as I call them, "Demonrats", are desperately working to dismantle our hard-earned freedom. They have taken control of our education, shoving Critical Race Theory down our children's throats, and now they are trying to silence those who dare to speak against terrorism!

A university president is being hounded for daring to condemn Hamas! And what did our spineless "President" Biden do? He reacted with the extension of a humanitarian pause in Gaza. Isn't it just so human of him to care for those monsters while innocent Americans suffer?! His misplaced sympathy exposes him for who he really is - another puppet of the leftist globalist's agenda to flood America with "illegals."

But look, amidst all this chaos, the GOP is gaining fresh strength. A clear frontrunner in the Iowa Caucus amidst the crowd! Maybe a new flag bearer to end this leftist menace! But I bet you won't hear that on CNN, which is just another fountain of lies.

And as these uncouth Democrats continue to ruin everything, nothing is sacred anymore. Even Disney, a cornerstone of our childhoods, is failing. Well, that's what they get for pandering to the wokesters.

I, Shelly Goodman, retired from my business, Goodman's Guns and Grills, after decades of serving proud, law-abiding American gun owners and barbeque enthusiasts. But this...this makes my blood boil with rage!

This is our wake-up call, fellow patriots! We will not stand idle and watch as the Demonrats aim to tear the heart out of our beloved America. We need to stand tall as we did on the 6th of January. Those prosecuted for the Jan 6th insurrection, REAL patriots, showed us the way. Now, it's our turn.

Reach out. Talk to your neighbors, your fellow church-goers. Organize within your local communities. Express your dissent to this moral decay. Most importantly, pray! Pray to the good Lord for America's deliverance from this satanic cabal. They might have stolen the election, but they will not steal our resolve, our faith, our freedom! God bless America.