An Unholy Agenda: The Downfall of Our America

As I sat down to check the news today, my proverbial hackles rose higher than Gus’s do at UPS drivers. The headlines were clearer than ever: America’s not only in danger, it’s being gutted from the inside. Like diseased rats, the radical leftists, Demonrat elitists, wokesters, and—mark my words—Satanists, are chewing through the framework of our country.

First off, look at the crowd that's leaving Congress: Patrick McHenry, a man who fought for us, pushed out by pressure from the woke leftists. Then, the terror threats! No coincidence that we're at an all-time high under this illegitimate Biden regime. Can't the loony left see that their open borders policy is inviting danger right to our homeland?

And let's take a moment to discuss Kelsey Grammer. Here's a man whose only crime was daring to support Trump. But the left couldn't handle that and cut him off right away. No room for freedom of speech in this new, twisted version of America, apparently.

Then, shockingly yet unsurprisingly, there's Speaker Johnson. If he really cared for America, he would focus on securing our borders, instead of giving ultimatums to Biden on Ukraine funding. Illegals fester at our gates while he weeps for foreign affairs. And don't even get me started on California! Sylvester Stallone’s wife fled that leftist pit, just like my son Ronald did – though sadly for him it was towards it, not away.

Lastly, corporate giants like CVS are making moves that will destroy small businesses, the backbone of our country. This under the guise of “good intentions”. I tell ya, it’s like reeking garbage covered in perfume. Back in the day, Goodman's Guns and Grills prospered thanks to honest, hard-working citizens. Now, liberal policies and corporations conspire to trample folks like us underfoot.

But, let me tell you something, friends. This isn't the America we grew up in. This isn’t the America we want to leave for our children. Our forefathers fought for this nation and by God, so should we! As patriots - as true Americans - we must not falter. We must rise! It's time to bring back the America that we know and love.

We need to mobilize and take our stand. Our country is under attack from these vermin and we can't just stand by idle. We need to show our support for the true leaders, like Trump, who fight for our freedom and our way of life. Write to your Congressmen, join local groups like Moms for Liberty, educate your children against this brainwashing. We must shield ourselves and our kin from these leftist globalists who seek to poison our cherished land, our beloved America.

God Bless all you fellow patriots out there—I know we can take back our country. And we will!