An Illustration of Fox News’ Perilous Propaganda: Aerial View from a Converted Christian-nationalist

Oftentimes, to discover the true nature of something, one must look at it from a different angle. I used to be a faithful follower and firm believer in the far-right rhetoric propagated by Fox News, boasting an unwavering allegiance to the principles of Christian-nationalism. Today, however, after my unconventional "Road to Damascus" moment, the fog of lies, omissions, and misrepresentations that is Fox News’ discourse has cleared. Looking down at it from my newfound perspective, its tactics to twist reality are more transparent than ever.

Firstly, let me pose this question: why does Fox News consistently skimp on publicizing crucial, consequential realities like the climate crisis? Consequently, 'Helene devastates North Carolina as new images reveal catastrophe on the ground as rescue efforts unfold' becomes more about disaster rating than mitigating the disaster itself. What's missing is the vital connection these weather events have to escalating climate change—a reality that Fox News wilfully withholds from its audience. At the same time, they readily impose their conservative agenda, damning those who dare propose a Green New Deal or equivalent solution.

Then there's the clear dichotomy in the way Fox News treats figures in relation to their political standings: 'VP Harris pours gasoline on Pittsburgh sandwich shop’s Vance gaffe'. They latch onto indiscretions made by liberal politicians, blowing them out of proportion while conveniently glossing over the shortcomings of those within their exclusive right-leaning club. It's an unsettling bias that injects irrational distrust and fearfulness into its viewers, convincing them of the infallible character of conservative politicians.

Meanwhile, the CEO classes, represented by their favorite channel, Fox News, keep pushing the concept of an American theocracy—a ploy designed, not out of love for Christ, but to control social norms according to their dictations. This manipulation endangers those who don't conform to their concept of normative behavior, including LGBTQ identifying individuals. Mission statements like 'Liberal New York publication delivers scathing rebuke of Biden in Harris endorsement' is not merely an endorsement of a particular political figure, but rather a demonization of the liberal perspective.

As I pen this entry, I can't help but lament the influence Fox News has on shaping the thoughts and attitudes of its viewers, driving them towards extremism. Yet, I compose this, not in futility, but with hope. Hope for those to awaken, as I did, from Fox's distorted reality. We must break away from these hate seeds sown by media behemoth and look for truths elsewhere; because God knows—or perhaps, Satan does—the journeymen of this narrow path may be few, but each awakening is a beacon of hope for a more empathetic, compassionate, and pluralistic society.