America, Wake Up! It’s Now or Never!

I'm sitting here, in my little house in The Villages, sipping my morning tea and gnashing my teeth as per usual as I go through today's headlines. They've got my blood boiling! I remember when news used to feel like news instead of blatant propaganda and social engineering--back when good ol' America was on top and others looked up to us, instead of laughing at how far we've fallen.

The first headline is bitter medicine, but at least Michigan has some sense left. They rejected the bid to oust Trump from the ballot. The Demonrats are so terrified of a Trump comeback they're doing everything to ensure that he doesn't get another shot. It’s like Holocaust deniers trying to erase history. But we aren't that easily fooled, are we patriots?

Then I see retailers are about to be fined if they don't have a 'gender-neutral' toy section! I might not be running Goodman’s Guns and Grills anymore, but this hits close to home. I can just see them now, trying to force our little Georges and Marthas into buying 'gender-neutral' toy guns for the grill. I bet that over there in San Francisco, my son Ronald, now Roxanne, is chuffed about this news!

And what's that about Biden going after more types of appliances? It doesn't take a genius to realize that this is just a way to force us into their Green New Deal nonsense; taking away what we have and pushing us to buy their expensive, 'environmentally friendly' junk.

What's next? Oh yes, “NASA races against time to intercept 'God of Chaos' asteroid”. How fitting, an asteroid named after the god of chaos! Feels like a divine sign for our times, doesn’t it? An asteroid heading for earth, symbolizing the chaos the radical leftists and Demonrats are wreaking on our beloved America.

And in other tragic news, a poor pregnant teen turns up dead. Just another terrible outcome of this lawless society the lefties have created.

Fellow Patriots, it’s time to take action. It's time to vote, to speak out against this madness enveloping our nation. I know you won’t let our country go down without a fight. It's time to unmask the left's lies, to rid our schools of these satanic teachers misleading our kids with critical race theory. The God we trust is watching, it’s time we answer His call to arms.