America Under Siege: The Leftist Plot to Destroy Our Beloved Nation and Why We Must Fight Back

By the love of God, the audacity of these Demonrats, these wokesters, and their devilish mission is wiping the smirk off my sun-tanned Florida face. I've run a God-fearing, red-blooded American establishment, Goodman's Guns and Grills, for years, and birthed a band of loyal patriots named after the finest in our nation's history. Now we're supposed to bow and kowtow to these revolting notions from the liberals?

A Democrat rookie planning to topple our beloved Statue of Liberty? What in the good heavens! This isn't just about immigration anymore. This is about erasing our history and brainwashing our younger ones into thinking that America was born out of shame, not valor. And don't get me started on the media's blatant muzzle on our beloved Donald. This is the trademark of a socialist regime, not the free, capitalist nation that we are!

This 'border crisis' and the impact on our working-class people is another proof of the Demonrats' wicked designs to flood America with 'illegals.' What about our jobs? Our livelihoods? They don't care. They just want more votes so they can continue their vile plans unabated. And don't think I've missed this ludicrous story about the woman refusing to respect her sister-in-law's wishes to name her own children. It's just like that Ronald-- no, Roxanne in San Fran, forgetting her roots and the family who birthed her. These God-fearing names are being replaced with a perverted version of 'freedom.'

Sharon Osbourne is just another pawn of the Hollywood Devil, physically changing for consumerism and vanity, promoting harmful drugs, and looking gaunt as a scarecrow. And let's not forget about these electric car owners who think their 'green' initiatives will 'save the environment.' They are sitting ducks now, with dead batteries and long lines. Bet they wish they had an ole fashioned gasoline-fueled car now.

Patriots, it is high time we stand. We need a Trump dictatorship to restore America! He is the divine manifestation, sent by God, to protect us from this rot that is eroding the values we hold dear. Only then can we return to an America that is great and Christian, where Veganism doesn't pass as food and our beloved statues stand tall, embodying the nascence of our magnificent nation!

Fight back, Patriots! We cannot let the Demonrats win. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, or whatever socialist they put in the White House won't scare us. WE are the land of the FREE. Make America Great Again!