America Under Siege: Satan's Lapdogs Unleashed

Why, just look at these headlines! It's enough to make anyone's blood boil, but my anger is reserved for the radical leftists, demonic elitists, and those woke imbeciles who are tearing down my beloved country from the inside out.

First off, we have a seemingly innocent but ominous report about a Helicopter Crash, taking the life of one of our nation's bank CEOs in California's Mojave Desert; but I don't swallow this 'accident' narrative for one second! This sure smells like another ploy by the Demonrats and their underhanded partners in crime to consolidate power and eradicate any opposition. High-profile banking executive conveniently dies in a desert helicopter crash? Sounds like another addition to the Clinton body count to me!

Then, we have confirmation from an ex-White House doctor that our 'so-called' President Biden is deteriorating 'day by day'. I'd argue he's been deteriorating minute by minute from the start. I'll tell you this - no one stole the election more blatantly than Sleepy Joe! He and his Demonrat cronies stole the election from our rightful president, Donald J. Trump, who I firmly believe is a divine manifestation sent by God himself to save our great nation.

And what's this about a sweet Texas boy being rushed to the hospital after a birthday trip to New York? No doubt his brush with disaster can be attributed to those 'defund the police' nut-jobs running NYC into the ground with their crime-infested policies.

Don't even get me started on this Taylor Swift fiasco! The security experts say she won't enter the Allegiant Stadium? More like they're protecting her from hardworking, patriotic Americans who see through her liberal propaganda!

And it's the same story in Colorado where a mayor is being forced to cut services for hardworking citizens to pay for illegal immigrants. The Demonrats would rather offer handouts to "illegals" that leech off the system and spit at our glorious nation's history and shared values.

Finally, Democrat strategist James Carville seems to think Biden skipping a Super Bowl interview is a "sign." It certainly is - a sign of his blinding incompetence and cowardly refusal to answer for his disastrous administration.

Wake up, America, before it's too late! We can't let these leftist, globalist, Satanist agendas destroy our freedom! I'll keep my good ole-fashioned American values and my trusty remote to Newsmax and OANN... and guess, Gus just ate it again. Damnit, Gus.