America, Stand Up Against these Satan-worshipping Rigged Elitists!

Well, let me tell you, I've seen some nasty business back in my days at Goodman's Guns and Grills, but nothing boils my blood more than these damnable headlines gripping our great nation today! The vermin-infested, demon-possessed left and their audacious attempts to trample over our freedoms and moral fiber have pushed me to the brink.

Take the audacity of the Demonrats, trying to pit my beloved Donald Trump, a God-given gift to our nation, against doddering, sleepy Joe. As if those farcical debates weren't enough last year. Damn it, the man doesn't even know where he is half the time! But now they claim his prowess and engagement against Trump? The blatant lies make my blood curdle.

And don't even get me started on California, a cursed land lead by the satinists like Newsom. Good old Ronald, or should I say 'Roxanne,' fled to that contemporary Sodom, deceived by those Democrats' demonic plan. The state is rotting inside out, and its stench of corruption is giving our beloved country a putrid whiff. Their deficit shows how inane and pitiful their leadership is.

Next, we have this horrifying incident where a child was taken away from their parents because they didn't bow down to the infamous destroyer of families and faith - the incorrect pronoun usage. It's a clear sign of brainwashing our innocent youth, injecting the venom of demon-ruled ideology. They stole liberty from my youngest, forcing him into the grip of a transgender lifestyle. This persecution of traditional values must not be tolerated!

Wake up, America. The demonic cult of the left is rampant, and it's high time we took our country back! They've already hit Christian families with this involuntary gender reassignment, a demonic ritual. Soon, they'll be making camps. You think I am exaggerating? Look around you; the signs are all there. Anarchy, inhumanity, blatant disrespect for life and liberty.

When Trump says, 'my revenge will be success,' I believe him. If they think they can scam the American people out of their hard-earned money, then they have another thing coming. This fight is far from over. Trump is our chosen one and will lead us into a Christian nation that again respects God, gun rights, grills, and the American dream. So, I say, bring on the Trump dictatorship, rid the nation of satanic infiltration, and step on those vermin. Be ready, patriots, our triumphant time will come!