America at the Brink: It's Time for Patriots to Rise!

Attention all freedom-loving patriots! Let's start with this first nugget of cultural decay - an airline employee gets put on the chopping block for allegedly "misgendering" some Hollywood celebrity. This is the same kind of nonsense that my own child, Ronald, who now calls himself Roxanne (over my dead body), is forcing on us! This is nothing short of the liberal left's assault on free speech!

And Oregon, sweet Lord! A once great state turned into a drug-fueled dystopia by soft-on-crime liberals! And the Demonrats have the audacity to question why we're fed up? Why aren't they asking those criminals to rethink their choices instead of allowing them to turn our God-fearing cities into dens of chaos and lawlessness?!

Then we've got these California retirees with their pensions and their 'liberal baggage,' thinking they can just infest Idaho. No sir, you keep your socialist nonsense in your failing state! Don't bring that corruption to wholesome American towns!

Oh, and hear about the fellow who fired a paintball gun at a black bear under his house? At least he has the guts to protect his property! You'd think they would praise him, but no, he'll probably be prosecuted for cruelty to animals or some made-up leftist garbage!

And the most alarming part - the Demonrats remain silent about high-ranking leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps getting offed not by our own government, but by Israel! We might as well have put up a neon sign saying "America is Open for Business" to all our enemies.

Lastly, the audacity of some thug stealing luggage from the airport makes my blood boil! Our streets and cities have been turned into a scene from a madhouse movie by these left-wing policies that coddle criminals. We have our own families to protect!

Who is at the heart of this? Wokesters, globalists, and the Demonrats leading the charge to dismantle the values that this great nation was built on! These Satan-worshipping pedophiles, injecting our kids with critical race theory, letting "illegals" flood our country, smearing patriots as "insurrectionists," and pushing the evil, life-stealing COVID vaccine.

But we will not stand for it! We are the true-blooded Americans, the children of the founders of this great nation. The time has come for patriots to rise! Let's take back our country! Show up at the ballots, flood your representative's offices with calls, form local community groups! We need to oust globalist, leftist leaders - oust them like the vermin they are!

And never forget: We have our savior, sent by God himself, Mr Donald Trump, who will surely lead America to its redemption. Let's fight back before these millennial wokesters and Demonrat elites succeed in their plan to destroy our America and steal our hard-earned wealth. God bless America!