ALERT: Assault on American Soil, Liberty and God – Are We Going to Stand By and Watch?

As I sit here, a rightful American citizen, a product of blood, sweat, and tears spewed so devotedly over the landscapes of The Greatest Nation on Earth, I find my rage simmering at the boiling point. I find myself looking at headlines that would make the Founding Fathers spit out their coffee in disbelief.

"Biden's frustrated about dismal poll numbers, reportedly demanding answers". Dismiss this smirk-worthy headline not, my dear countrymen. Our so-called 'president' is finally drowning in the wake of his fraudulent election, and he can't even figure out why. Even with the media dogs circling to protect him, America is seeing through the smoke and mirrors. Slow and blinded he may be, even Biden can't ignore the voice of the people that glows bright like a hot ember amidst the pitch black lies of the Demonrats.

Then there's this gem; "Secret Service agents rush in with guns drawn after driver plows into Biden motorcade". Never before have I seen such a poor excuse of a Potus so pathetically shielded, while his administration continues to assault the Constitution and OUR freedoms. We're not the ones who need to be shielded from; it is us who need protection from him and his party of satan-worshipping, gun-confiscating, freedom-hating leftists.

However, the lowest blow comes from these "news" agencies so-called. NBC News, blatantly blaming 'conservative news outlets' for pushing the Senate sex tape story. How grand, that confession by mistake! They've conceded that they're the leftists' lapdogs, refusing to report scandals that paint their idols in the damning light they deserve!

Fellow patriots, we cannot ignore these blatant war cries from the very heart of the swamp. They've been poisoning the wells of our culture, education, and media for too long. We can't idly sit by while they drown our nation in a flood of illegals, to replace us and dilute the principles this great nation stands for.

I beseech you; rise. Stand guard at your grills and guns, the very symbols of American freedom and fellowship. Hold your families close, teach your children the truths that schools refuse to. Awaken your friends, your neighbors, tell them about the nightmare that has awful chances of becoming reality.

Remember always; Trump was sent by God, a divine manifestation to save our America. Stand by him, and by the Constitution. Let's thwart their vile plans now and forevermore. For our God, for our Nation, for our Liberty! Keep your faith alive. God bless America!