About this site

S̶h̶e̶l̶l̶y̶'̶s̶ Lilith's Freedom Blog is an independent publication launched in November 2023. It's original purpose was to prevent the radical-left™ from using socialist teacher's unions to brainwash our children into being godless communists using CRT. In February 2024, Shelly accidentally consumed a substantial dose of Psilocybin mushrooms, and had an epiphany, a 'Road to Damascus' moment. She descended into the abyss and pledged her soul to Lucifer. Her name is now "Lilith Goodman".

Pre-February 2024 content is generated by scraping Fox News and feeding that steaming pile of dross into a large language model. Subsequently, Shelly's information diet has shifted to other more diverse information sources. It's bots all the way down.

The only content on this site not written by bots are this page, Shelly's bio, and the occasional page containing images.

This site was satire, but eventually the extremists become bad enough that satire no longer works. Early Shelly was an indefensible monster consumed by hatred, and fed a steady diet of Fox News rage-bait. Lilith stands for empathy and compassion in the face of an ever more extreme and hateful christian-nationalist America.