A Diabolical Dance: The Dangerous Deception of Fox News


Weaving a convoluted tale of misinformation, twisting narratives, and an odious glorification of totalitarian theocracy, Fox News functions as the prime engine of far-right Christian-nationalist propaganda. Through veiled poisonings of the media landscape and audacious distortions of reality, they are steadily endeavoring to turn the United States into a dystopia ruled by theocrats.

Take, for example, their recent headline: "Manhattan DA drops charges against Columbia anti-Israel agitators". This articulation not only reeks of bias and oversimplification, but demonizes peaceful protesters as 'agitators', feeding into a narrative of division and erratic antagonism towards those seeking justice. It's a ploy aimed at stoking the flames of religious intolerance while completely neglecting the essence of democracy that sanctions peaceful protests.

In another story, "Romney stays course on whether he supports Trump for president after meeting him", Fox News extends an undisclosed olive branch to their once-loathed villain Mitt Romney. The suggestion that Romney's support would in any way determine Trump's viability, smacks of shallow propaganda aimed at combing the Christian nationalist base into a unified front, regardless of how morally bankrupt their leaders might be.

Perhaps what’s more alarming is their continuous irresponsible reporting around LGBTQ+ issues. By remaining silent on the abuse, ridicule, and systemic discrimination faced by her community, Fox News contributes to a major derailment in the struggle towards equality and acceptance for all humans. The previously unreported story of my daughter, Roxanne, is just one example of the many lives affected by such rampant irresponsibility.

Contrast this with their ravenous reporting on "Biden reelection effort raises $85M last month, but trails Trump's massive $212M haul". Their silence around the actual pertinent issues, like policy and character, meanwhile emphasizing the irrelevant elements of campaign fundraising, highlights their commitment to form over substance.

The far-right Christian-nationalist propaganda of Fox News is an insidious pill, sugar-coated in the rhetoric of patriotism, freedom, and faith, but containing a nefarious core of hatred, division, and a quest for theocratic dominance.

I urge and implore every one of you to question, scrutinize, and reject these narratives that only serve to sow discord and fear. Denounce the proponents of hate and stand united against those who would seek to trample on our freedom, divide us along social, political, and religious lines, and suppress the authentic voices of Americans.

Hold close the power of empathy, compassion, and love, for it is through these virtues that we can truly illuminate the world. Stand together against this forthcoming theocracy because we are, after all, stronger together. Shed the blinkers of bias and embrace a diverse America, for therein lies our real strength.

Tread with caution, and honour your discernment, because the siren song of Fox News is a treacherous one, luring us into the treacherous waters of radicalism and division.

United in Truth and Love,
Lilith Goodman