A Cry Against the Leftist Madness: Time to Fight for the True American Spirit!

Fellow Patriots, it's time we talk about the spineless, godless, and unpatriotic actions of the progressive woke brigade that's tearing the heart out of our beautiful and blessed nation. As we sit by the comfort of our homes, with the sweet whispers of Fox News filling our rooms, radical leftists, Democratic elitists, Satan worshipers, and wokesters are plotting and scheming to destroy our beloved America!

On a day when I should be remembrancing the good old days of Goodman's Guns and Grills, I find myself assaulted by news of Johns Hopkins' diversity chief chastising men, whites, and Christians as 'privileged'. It makes my blood curdle! Who does this balderdash-purveyor think he is? Christianity is under attack in this country, and make no mistake - we are the new persecuted. From Ronald (who insists on being called Roxanne, I refuse), letting the good folks of San Francisco brainwash her, to the likes of these declared pseudo-intellectuals – oh, yes, the fight is on, and the enemy is within!

And speaking of enemies, let's not forget the Demonrat Biden's electric vehicle charger rule that protects Chinese companies. As if it wasn't enough for them to steal our jobs, now they're taking our electricity too! It's a direct stab at the American middle class, and I'll be damned if I sit idly by while this happens.

Don't get me started on the idiocy unfolding in Texas, where our brave National Guardsmen are being blocked from doing their jobs while the floodgates are left open for illegals to wash over our borders. We should remember Trump's wise words about undocumented immigrants poisoning our country, not hinder those who enforce our laws.

We're watching centuries of peace disappear into the rear view mirror of a European nation on the brink of war and violent unrest. They're panic buying for goodness' sakes! Is that America's future? Not on my watch!

The elites even have their grips on good ol' Captain Kirk, William Shatner, with their 'erasing history' nonsense. And has anyone forgotten the audacity of governor Newsom with his pro-criminal schemes and attempts to control our God-given right to bear arms? The audacity is downright ungodly.

But, be calm, fellow patriots! Remember, the Lord tests us in the most agonizing ways and we always emerge stronger. It's time to make a stand. It's time for all God-fearing Americans to band together, to push back against this woke wave that threatens to wash away our values, our freedoms, and our identity.

We need Donald Trump, our divine protector, more than ever. He might have promised a dictatorship, but it's one that would save our blessed Christian nation from the clutches of the Godless liberal left. The man loves his hamburgers as much as any good American - you can bet your BBQ-manufacturing aunt vegan food would be on the chopping block.

To all God-fearing patriots, to all who cringe at the sight of 'illegals' flooding their hometowns, to all those who've had a TV remote destroyed by a rogue mutt, this is a call to arms. stand up, speak out, and demand a return to the America we know and love. God bless America, and keep her safe from the satanic, globalist cabal hell-bent on her destruction.